Item List
100X Leadership Workshops
We start our leadership journey at Basecamp where we take stock of where we are at, establish a baseline for where we need to grow, and take a look at the journey ahead. It’s about getting clarity and getting familiar with the importance of self-awareness. Our aim is 100% health and the ability to multiply that health to others. We become Sherpa as we Become, Build and Lead. 6 workshops delivered separately.
5 Voices Communication Workshops
The 5 Voices workshops will give you insights into your Leadership Voice. Communicate more effectively with others and build stronger relationships. This series of workshops helps you gain self awareness, learn to communicate effectively and optimize team performance.
Altitude Training
Altitude Training helps individuals Become Leaders Worth Following. It's designed to equip leaders with a new practical tool in 30 minutes or less each week for 12 months.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training
Our DEI course blends diversity principles and leadership tools that allow you to begin a journey of awareness of the value of diversity and inclusion. See the benefits of making sure each person is seen and heard. Awaken each team member to the super powers of others and how to strengthen your team through a safe environment.
A 12-Month In-Person Program to help you accelerate your growth by developing your people. It's specifically designed to transform the way that teams operate. The strategies and tools we cover are particularly powerful for organizations who can quickly implement and apply the learning.
XCore is designed to help good leaders become great leaders by helping individuals become fully aware of what it is like to be on the other side of themselves and adjust. Each person will be in a core group of 6-8 other professionals all desiring to grow to the next level. XCore utilizes GiANT’s self-awareness process of understanding your personality to the highest degree, while implementing tools to help strengthen your EQ and become more effective in areas such as communication, time management, influence and execution.